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September is here with 19 new pull requests from some very awesome contributors - great work!
On top of that, the long awaited release that provides compatibility with Blender 3.x is finally here!

Armory is now compatible with Blender 3.x!

2022.09-d Screenshot

Onek8 added created node for setting canvas input text.

2022.09-c Screenshot

e2002e added support for screen-space reflections when using water.

2022.09-c Screenshot


#2565 - Tong/MoritzBrueckner added Support for Blender 3.3 LTS.
#2564 - Onek8 added created node for setting canvas input text.
#2560 - MoritzBrueckner added remove no longer supported proxy system and add support for library overrides.
#2544 - e2002e added SSR support for water.


#2574 - MoritzBrueckner added Fix int overflow in Nishita LUT calculations [HL].
#2573 - QuantumCoderQC added fix rigid body angular/ rolling friction.
#2561 - MoritzBrueckner added fix export of particle objects outside of the current scene and other collections.
#2559 - QuantumCoderQC added fix image texture parameters.
#2557 - QuantumCoderQC added fix shape key export in optimized mesh export.
#2553 - MoritzBrueckner added fix depth buffer access in SSS pass & fix numerical robustness of packFloatInt16().
#2552 - MoritzBrueckner added fix compilation error in Draw String node when Zui is disabled.
#2548 - QuantumCoderQC added fix sleep node.
#2546 - MoritzBrueckner added fix "Set Scene Active" node when using asset compression.
#2540 - MoritzBrueckner added fix initialization of tween and group nodes and ensure correct file version numbers.
#2538 - MoritzBrueckner added tree variables: fix missing synchronization when adding getters/setters.


ArmSDK: #49 - MoritzBrueckner added Update Submodules option.
Iron: #170 - QuantumCoderQC added Parse typedef or anonymous struct.
Iron: #169 - QuantumCoderQC added Fix shape keys in HL targets.
Iron: #168 - MoritzBrueckner added Fix particle positions.
Iron: #167 - QuantumCoderQC added Shape Keys per object basis.

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August is here with 7 new pull requests from some very awesome contributors - great work!

T3du added a bunch of useful new nodes that allow drawing of the camera viewport, as well as shapes.

2022.08-b Screenshot 2022.08-c Screenshot

Knowledgenude added a new pulse node, which is useful for controlling weapon firing rates, as well as similar features.

2022.08-d Screenshot


#2521 - QuantumCoderQC added add parent relative bone constraint option.
#2517 - Knowledgenude added introduce Pulse Node.
#2499 - T3du added several Draw nodes: cameras, images, string, geometric figures, etc.


#2523 - MoritzBrueckner added deferred renderpath: fix volumetric light combined with translucent materials.
#2514 - QuantumCoderQC added stop tweening when NavAgent is removed.
#2513 - MoritzBrueckner added fix for RotationNode.set(): get rid of invalid input length check.
#2509 - E2002e added firstPersonController.hx anti chess fool cheat.


Iron: #166 - QuantumCoderQC added Parent relative bone constraint.

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July is here with 6 new pull requests from some very awesome contributors - great work!

Please note that for this release it is required to re-download the full SDK rather than using the "Update SDK" option in the user preferences, in order to ensure correct SDK updates with the "Update SDK" option in the future.

Also worth noting in this month's release is that the bug which was limiting point lights on DirectX has finally been resolved in Krafix (see #1772):

2022-07-b Screenshot


#2503 - MoritzBrueckner added object Info node: make "random" output random per GPU instance.


#2502 - MoritzBrueckner added fix color ramp node for factors left of the left-most stop.
#2501 - MoritzBrueckner added align RGB to grayscale luminance with Blender.
#2500 - MoritzBrueckner added fix node tree caching.


ArmSDK: #46 - MoritzBrueckner fixed SDK updater: also update
Iron: #165 - Lampysprites added Initialize scene's object properties.

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June is here with 3 new pull requests from some very awesome contributors - great work!



#2493 - MoritzBrueckner added better shader node tree warnings.


#2496 - MoritzBrueckner added fix and improve loading of libraries.
#2488 - MoritzBrueckner added fix exporting node sockets when using live patch or unconnected reroutes.


Armory Examples: #51 - MoritzBrueckner Add depth texture example.
Iron: #164 - MoritzBrueckner added Fix particle emission for scaled emitters.
Iron: #163 - MoritzBrueckner added Make tilesheet frame rate independent of render path + fix race condition.
Iron: #162 - MoritzBrueckner added Fix compilation when using deinterleaved buffers.

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May is here with 8 new pull requests from some very awesome contributors - great work!

MoritzBrueckner added texture bindings support for custom materials, as well as the option to read depth texture for materials. This allows for interesting effects such as underwater caustics. Checkout the cool repository here: here

2022-05-b Screenshot 2022-05-d Screenshot

QuantumCoderQC added key interpolation node. This allows linear interpolation (lerp) between values: 0-1. Great for smoothing character animations:

2022-05-c Screenshot


#2483 - MoritzBrueckner added support for texture bindings for custom (json) materials.
#2477 - - QuantumCoderQC added key Interpolation Node.
#2475 - Tong added use port from prefs for html5 player path.
#2474 - MoritzBrueckner added allow materials to read from a depth texture.


#2481 - Tong added remove head style element.
#2480 - MoritzBrueckner added fix export of logic nodes with Blender standard sockets.
#2479 - Tong added search ffmpeg if not set.
#2470 - MoritzBrueckner added fix printing WASM errors when using ammo.js


Armory Examples: #50 - Tong updated api links.
Armory Examples: #49 - Tong added sun Fix logic node errors.
Iron: #161 - MoritzBrueckner added sun world matrix uniform.
Iron: #160 - MoritzBrueckner added Allow materials to read from a depth texture.
Armory Tutorials: #17 - Tong updated workflows.
Armory Tutorials: #16 - Tong updated projects.

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April is here with 17 new pull requests from some very awesome contributors - great work!

MoritzBrueckner added follow reroutes for group nodes, as well as update call group node upon changes:

2022-04-c Screenshot 2022-04-d Screenshot

RPaladin added upgrades for the onEvent nodes:

2022-04-b Screenshot


#2466 - RPaladin added upgrade OnEvent node.
#2462 - MoritzBrueckner added improve output socket handling of the Value Changed .
#2461 - MoritzBrueckner added add support for particle emission from faces.
#2455 - MoritzBrueckner added follow reroutes for group nodes and update call group node upon changes.
#2451 - MoritzBrueckner added new Array Resize node.
#2446 - MoritzBrueckner added add support for VS2022.


#2470 - MoritzBrueckner added fix printing WASM errors when using ammo.js.
#2465 - MoritzBrueckner added fix updating rotation sockets during live patch session.
#2458 - MoritzBrueckner added fix polling of tree variable operators outside of logic trees.
#2457 - MoritzBrueckner added remove unused code that substantially slowed down texture export.
#2456 - MoritzBrueckner added fix socket order for Retain Value node.
#2454 - MoritzBrueckner added fix compiling texture node with triplanar (box) mapping.
#2450 - MoritzBrueckner added various export fixes for subsurface scattering.
#2449 - MoritzBrueckner added remove legacy code from and fix possible installation error.
#2448 - MoritzBrueckner added fix exception in ArmAnySocket.draw_color() when connecting reroute node.
#2445 - MoritzBrueckner added fix redefinition in volumetric light shader when using both sun and single spot light.
#2443 - MoritzBrueckner added prevent exception when exporting a world with an empty image texture node.


ArmSDK: #144 - RPaladin added fix for relocating Armory addon to Game Engine category.
Iron: #159 - MoritzBrueckner added Add support for particle emission from faces and fix scaled volume particles.
Iron: #158 - MoritzBrueckner added Fix LZ4 encoding/decoding for new Kha array types.
Iron: #157 - MoritzBrueckner added Set sceneParent object before calling trait inits.
Iron: #156 - MoritzBrueckner added fix for MeshBatch.remove().
Armory Examples: #48 - QuantumCoderQC fixed and updated examples. Added documentation to some examples.
Armory Examples: #47 - Yangol-oleksiy added fix script_rigidbody_trigger sample bug.
Armory Tutorials: #15 - QuantumCoderQC updated nodes in Tanks example.

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March is here with 5 new pull requests from some very awesome contributors - great work!

MoritzBrueckner added a new logic tree variable system that was implemented alongside a complete rewrite of the logic ID system. Thanks to these changes, options for using logic node variables have been extended and made much more dynamic:

2022-03-b Screenshot

You can find out more about the new tree variable system at the Armory Wiki.

MoritzBrueckner also added bitwise math nodes for bit masking (for users who need more advanced options):

2022-03-c Screenshot


#2442 - MoritzBrueckner added full support for arbitrary spotlight scales.
#2441 - MoritzBrueckner added add bitwise math node.
#2439 - MoritzBrueckner added new logic tree variable system.


#2443 - MoritzBrueckner fixed prevent exception when exporting a world with an empty image texture node.
#2437 - MoritzBrueckner fixed don't count not exported lights when setting shader defines.


Iron: #155 - MoritzBrueckner added support for arbitrary spotlight scales.
Armory Examples: #46 - Tong added armpack macro usage example.
Armory Tutorials: #14 - Tong updated the armory tutorial projects to work with the latest SDK.

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February is here with 15 new pull requests from some very awesome contributors - great work!

Many new nodes were added thanks to: T3du & QuantumCoderQC:

2022-02-b Screenshot 2022-02-d Screenshot 2022-02-g Screenshot 2022-02-h Screenshot 2022-02-i Screenshot

MoritzBrueckner added a sidebar to make logic node development much easier:

2022-02-c Screenshot

Naxela updated the lightmapper. Now it supports indirect lighting and logluv encoding:

2022-02-e Screenshot 2022-02-f Screenshot


#2433 - MoritzBrueckner added add detailed documentation for read/write json/file/storage nodes.
#2431 - T3du added lights - Add nodes to control spot and area size, and spot blend.
#2430 - MoritzBrueckner added new sidebar panel to ease logic node development.
#2429 - T3du added array - ArraySampleNode and ArrayShuffleNode.
#2427 - T3du added alternate Output - alternate outputs with several outputs.
#2425 - Naxela added update lightmapper to v0.6.
#2423 - T3du added add Gamepad Sticks node.
#2422 - Tong added export speaker distance fields.
#2419 - QuantumCoderQC added retain Value Node, Float Delta Interpolation Node.
#2418 - T3du added math node - add precision for round.
#2416 - T3du added add and remove objects from collections.


#2426 - T3du added fix NavigableLocationNode error.
#2421 - MoritzBrueckner added fix is_transluc_type(): do not activate translucency with Principled BSDF emission strength.
#2420 - T3du added get Gamepad Started - fix node input.
#2414 - MoritzBrueckner added fix SetRotationNode: don't change rotation of previous objects.


Iron: #154 - QuantumCoderQC fixed billboard scaling.
Iron: #153 - Tong added speaker distance fields.

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January is here with 7 new pull requests from some very awesome contributors - great work!

QuantumCoderQC added Node Grops - now your Node Trees can be used as Node Groups:

2022-01-b Screenshot

There's a bunch of great new nodes to expand the possibilities of visual scripting:

2022-01-c Screenshot


#2412 - T3du added add Remove Parent Bone Node.
#2410 - MoritzBrueckner added improve node library handling.
#2409 - Tong added update custom icons.
#2408 - QuantumCoderQC added introducing Node Groups.
#2406 - Sh-dave added add IsRigidBodyActive node.
#2403 - MoritzBrueckner added replace deprecated addChild()/removeChild() functions with setParent().


#2411 - T3du added onCanvasElementNode: fix elements values for scaled canvas.


Iron: #151 - T3du added functions for add/remove object in collection.
Iron: #150 - Tong added Use inverse distance model to calculate audio volume (Same as Blender).
Iron: #149 - T3du added remove bone child function.
Iron: #148 - MoritzBrueckner refactored object parenting.

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December is here with 20 new pull requests from some very awesome contributors - great work!

As usual, there's new bug fixes and improvements provided by fantastic contributors. Among the new features, one of the most noticeable ones are the addition of shape keys:

2021-12-b Screenshot

There's also a bunch of new nodes to expand the possibilities of visual scripting:

2021-12-c Screenshot


#2399 - T3du added raycast for non physics objects.
#2395 - MoritzBrueckner added add option to enable Haxe's --no-traces param.
#2391 - T3du added add tween transform node.
#2389 - Sh-dave added run eventnode output, even if the events could not be delivered.
#2375 - QuantumCoderQC added Shape keys.
#2373 - QuantumCoderQC added add normal output for pick rb node.


#2400 - QuantumCoderQC added detect mobile browser node fix.
#2398 - MoritzBrueckner added compare node: fix accessing vector methods when DCE is on.
#2397 - MoritzBrueckner added fix vertex buffer locking on html5 for soft bodies.
#2392 - MoritzBrueckner added fix parser context references after reload and make enum values unique.
#2390 - QuantumCoderQC added fix Bool, Int and Float vector property export from logic nodes.
#2388 - QuantumCoderQC added fix bullet physics memory leak on HL targets.
#2385 - MoritzBrueckner added fix environment gamma and improve handling of envmap file formats.
#2384 - QuantumCoderQC added fix TransformExtension - Normalize vectors.
#2382 - Skehmatics added fix morph target exporting on Unix-based systems.
#2381 - Skehmatics added correct depricated (and now removed) import.
#2379 - MoritzBrueckner added fix cpu_count() for incomplete PATH var on Windows and improve error handling.
#2374 - Tong added fix switch expression.
#2372 - QuantumCoderQC added decal fix.
#2367 - MoritzBrueckner added fix exporting textures from linked libraries.


Iron: #147 - T3du added 2 functions used in raycast objects nodes.
Iron: #146 - MoritzBrueckner added Fix vertex buffer locking on html5 for deinterleaved buffers and batched meshes.
Iron: #145 - QuantumCoderQC added Implement Shape keys.

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November is here with 16 new pull requests from some very awesome contributors - great work!

While most of this months features are backend additions, fixes and improved stability, there is a bunch of new and improved nodes:

2021-11-b Screenshot


#2373 - QuantumCoderQC added add normal output for pick rb node.
#2369 - T3du added add Between and Not Equal to Compare Logic.
#2368 - T3du added add Not Equal to Gate Node.
#2363 - T3du added add get object uid nodes / agg args to call Haxe static function / add Between to gate node.
#2361 - SaxonGao-SZ added use project name for web title.
#2359 - T3du added add logic nodes: set/get canvas font size and set progress bar color.
#2353 - MoritzBrueckner added allow to set default renderpath for debugging.


#2374 - Tong added fix switch expression.
#2372 - QuantumCoderQC added decal fix.
#2367 - MoritzBrueckner added fix exporting textures from linked libraries.
#2366 - MoritzBrueckner added fix exporting collections with parent object in another collection.
#2362 - Tong added fix dox when using special characters.
#2357 - QuantumCoderQC added random color node fix.
#2356 - MoritzBrueckner added fix Geometry and Texture Coordinate nodes for world shaders.
#2355 - MoritzBrueckner added fix deprecated nodes and improve deprecation handling.
#2352 - MoritzBrueckner added fix CPU count parameter for cmft.


Iron: #144 - QuantumCoderQC Added support for decal object uniforms.
Iron: #143 - Tong added Fix undefined markerevents.
Iron: #142 - MoritzBrueckner added fix vector trait properties on HTML5.
Iron: #141 - Tong added fix dox when using special characters.
Iron: #140 - MoritzBrueckner fix world geometry.

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October is here with 14 new pull requests from some very awesome contributors - great work!

MoritzBrueckner created Aura - A fast and lightweight 3D audio engine for Kha & Armory3D.

2021-10-b Screenshot

Tong created the Armory3D Examples browser - Try it out online now!

2021-10-c Screenshot

The Armory3D Community Game Jam 2.0 has commenced, hosted by Willbot Studios. It will run throughout October. Join here.

2021-10-d Screenshot

QuantumCoderQC added 3 new nodes for tweening values for both floats, vectors and rotations:

2021-10-e Screenshot


#2351 - MoritzBrueckner added debug console: make log output more readable.
#2349 - MoritzBrueckner added add nodes to get/set global canvas scale.
#2342 - Tong added improve log messages.
#2338 - Tong added remove Haxe --times param per default.
#2336 - QuantumCoderQC added introducing Tween nodes.
#2331 - Tong added do not open build directory in background mode.
#2326 - Onelsonic added update
#2325 - Onelsonic added update


#2350 - MoritzBrueckner added fix add-on reloading when there are new unimported node files.
#2339 - Tong added fix invalid fp when using local sdk.
#2335 - MoritzBrueckner added fix fake user export for traits.
#2334 - Tong added fix assert throw error.
#2332 - MoritzBrueckner added fix realtime postprocess & cleanup arm.lib.make_datas.
#2329 - MoritzBrueckner added fix ArmNodeAddInputOutputButton.


Iron: #139 - MoritzBrueckner added deferred unloading the world shader until the new shader is loaded.
Iron: #138 - MoritzBrueckner added a fix for switching scenes with different light objects.
Iron: #137 - QuantumCoderQC added reset collection transform after spawn.
Iron: #136 - Tong added Armpack macro compatibility.

Release Notes - Release notes for August (2021.08) have been added.

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September is here with 25 new pull requests from some very awesome contributors - great work!

N8n5h added a fix for volumetric lights when using shadow map atlas. Volumetric lights (god rays) should now work with the shadow map atlasing option:

2022.09-b Screenshot

QuantumCoderQC added a new get NavAgent data node:

2022.09-c Screenshot


#2319 - MoritzBrueckner added the possibility of using more complex string expressions for assert() messages.
#2318 - QuantumCoderQC added a node to get NavAgent data and improved the Go To Location node.
#2309 - MoritzBrueckner added the assert() macro for better error handling.
#2308 - Tong added the option to disable http logging and change web-server port if pre-used.
#2305 - Niacdoial added a rotation socket for nodes. Revamped most nodes that uses rotations.
#2304 - Tong added the option to play without building (Shift + Play).
#2298 - MoritzBrueckner added basic add-on reloading. Great feature for Armory developers!
#2296 - Tong added linear and angular control properties to the PhysicsDrag.
#2285 - Tong added the axis trait prop to ArcBall. For direction and speed control.


#2320 - QuantumCoderQC added a trait fix.
#2316 - Onelsonic fixed some Haxe warnings related to type check.
#2315 - MoritzBrueckner fixed some postprocess uniform warnings.
#2307 - MoritzBrueckner fixed Armory3D define and ES6 switch for Krom.
#2306 - MoritzBrueckner added various node fixes.
#2303 - MoritzBrueckner fixed the Nishita sky artifacts and improved the LUT range.
#2302 - MoritzBrueckner fixed the accidental module reloading caused by global variables.
#2300 - N8n5h fixed the volumetric lights not working with the shadow map atlas option.
#2299 - MoritzBrueckner fixed Logic.hx that caused failed CI compilation.
#2297 - MoritzBrueckner added a canvas fix when using non-default fonts.
#2287 - MoritzBrueckner fixed thread polling being stopped after callback exception.
#2286 - MoritzBrueckner fixed filepath error if project is on Windows drive root.


Iron: #135 - Niacdoial added a complimentary commit for rotation socket (#2305).
Iron: #134 - MoritzBrueckner added the exp() exponent function to vector classes.
Iron: #133 - QuantumCoderQC added a fix for the particle system related to scale and locations.
Armory Examples: #30 - Tong added miscellaneous improvements to the examples.

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August is here with 12 new pull requests from some very awesome contributors - great work!

MoritzBrueckner added an immense overhaul of the existing live patching system. The new additional features includes support for light color and strength, as well as support for live patching nodes and more!

View Video

Knowledgenude improved the Input map and added nodes to it.

2021-08-b Screenshot


#2283 - MoritzBrueckner added an immense overhaul of the existing live patching system.
#2260 - Knowledgenude improved the Input map and added nodes to it.
#2242 - Knowledgenude added "Parent Relative" option to location nodes.
#2240 - QuantumCoderQC added option for relative physics constraint.
#2239 - QuantumCoderQC added set material parameter on per object basis.
#2235 - Knowledgenude added cleanup in UI Ext.
#2221 - QuantumCoderQC added extra logic nodes.
#2220 - MoritzBrueckner added add Select node.


#2238 - MoritzBrueckner fixed threading and publishing for when in background mode.
#2233 - MoritzBrueckner fixed compilation of some nodes.
#2231 - Knowledgenude fixed GetBoneFkIkOnly node & add new input nodes.
#2228 - MoritzBrueckner fixed rendering multiple movie textures.



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Release notes for July are in progress.

Release notes for July are in progress.


Release notes for July are in progress.


Release notes for July are in progress.


Release notes for July are in progress.

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Release notes for June are in progress.

Release notes for June are in progress.


Release notes for June are in progress.


Release notes for June are in progress.


Release notes for June are in progress.

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